
Our motivation towards environmental stability and addressing energy challenges is derived from a deep awareness of the security challenges the planet faces.

Large-scale refugee crises, immigration challenges and increasing conflicts across the globe are fueled by extreme climate disasters, environmental instability and resource scarcity like water crisis and droughts.

Our energy glut is also a significant factor in increasing conflicts across the world.

eArth Samvarta Foundation envisions solutions that accommodate security challenges in our quest to help restore the planet’s peace and tranquility.

Security Challenges

eSF dedicated to address security challenges due to anthropogenic climate change and global warming

eArth Samvarta Foundation aims to establish a new understanding of the concept of security among policy makers where environment is a key determinant. We wish to establish a link between environmental degradation and vulnerabilities faced by a state and its individuals, and thus see a departure from the traditional narrow concept of security to a broader, more appropriate and dynamic, new one.

The 21st century has witnessed a shift from the traditional threats to a nation state. Up until the dissolution of the soviet union, threats to the ‘defense’ of a nation were mainly external in nature and thus security was synonymous with the concept of power which was believed to be found in military strength. However, this is the era of looking into ourselves and finding solutions to problems that come from within.

Environment is a resource which includes soil, water, minerals that are strategic for the growth of a country, but the continuous abuse has spillover effects. The continuous strain on resources causes internal strife as can be found in water sharing disputes between indian states in this present time.

Environmental degradation is connected to poverty stemming from crop failures, health hazards as clearly indicated by new age calamities like the Delhi smog, internal displacement that stems from shrinking resources and leads to intensive internal conflict.

Continuous environmental calamities decrease the economic growth of a nation, hamper its social cohesion and bring forth political instability.

eSF attempts to lend a hand in bringing forth order in this chaos. Our initiatives which are built on the vision of Sanrakshan, Samvardhan, Samvedna bring forth the security perspectives in their respective sectors.

Girl carrying water

The burden ( AP Photo/ Channi Anand )

Some of the security areas we address include:

Climate Security

Climate Security

Energy Security

Energy Security

Food Security

Food Security

Ecological Security

Ecological Security

Major focus on threats to marine and polar resources, habitat destruction and desertification.

Public Health Security

Public Health Security

Security from threats to public health including depletion of resources like water, antibiotics and other resources needed for survival.

Security Implication

Security Implication

Rare earth metal sand other elements.

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